“I have been on Protandim now for 1 year. I am a Cancer survivor and I want to till you that Protandim does everything that it said it will do. I want to share that my lymphedema swelling has gone down, so I don’t need to wear my arm band anymore. I also volunteer for the RVH I was having knee problems from being on my feet all day, I thought that I may have to quit. But my knees are doing great now; I go all day with very little pain. I have more energy and I sleep much better.
I just started using the True Science Cleanse because I have oily skin and “oh boy” it sure helps, I love it!
I like knowing that it is always fighting those nasty free radicals from the inside and out that cause so much damage.
Thanks Cindy for introducing me to Protandim and True Science. Love it! Love it! Love it!”