“My wife and I have been taking Protandim for 6 months. My wife suffers from Hypo Thyroidism and had been through the ringer with her Endocrinologist. She had tried generic medicine and name brands. Increased the dosage and then decrease the dosage. She was all over the map and still feeling miserable and her levels being way off. It wasn’t until she started taking Protandim that she started feeling better. She now has the energy to get through the day and has been doing a boot camp every morning for the past 3 months. She feels that she’s got her life back, and the only thing she did differently was she started taking the Protandim.
For myself, I’ve battled inflammation and lower back issues and restricted flexibility. What I’ve noticed after being on Protandim is that my flexibility has increased and I no longer have a feeling of “man my muscles are so tight”. I also noticed that my recovery from intense gym workouts is quicker than before.
I think that the Protandim being part of MLM gets a bad rap. There is a lot of research out there and a lot of stuff to dig through. So everyone has to come to their own conclusion. No one’s body is made the same so everyone is going to have a different experience. I’m sure a lot of people take Vitamin C every day assuming they helping their immune system, but do they feel the effects? No, but they assume its working.
Same with green tea or many other things. So in my opinion, Protandim has worked for me and my wife and we have referred it to other people to try. I read the articles, both good and bad and have come to my own conclusion. The biggest thing for me is that wife feels like she has her life back and that’s what is most important and we both feel great.
I don’t believe that there is one magic pill that cures everything. You have to choose a healthy lifestyle and take the necessary actions of eating healthy, exercising, and just plain and simple taking care of yourself as you get older. So that’s my 2 cents. If you’re thinking about trying Protandim you should. Avoid the noise of the MLM or if the person is trying to get you to be a distributor. Think about your health first and see what kind of results you get. Good luck. Yes I would recommend this product.”
Los Angeles, CA